Africa Development Consortium

Africa Development Consortium
Constitutional Provisions

  1. Membership
    Membership in Africa development Consortium shall be open to African nationals, African residents and people of African descent who are
    1.1 Accomplished Entrepreneurs
    1.2 Outstanding Professionals
    1.3 Independent successful business owners
  2. Membership Obligations
    2.1 There shall be one time membership fee (equivalent to 1000 Tunisian Dinar ) for admittance to full membership in Africa development Consortium ( The Tunisian Dinar is used as a currency of measurement because it is the most stable currency in Africa.
    2.2 Every member shall donate 1% of their total income on jobs executed through Africa development Consortium to the Country Office where they are registered, for the maintenance of the country operations of Africa Development Consortium
    2.3 The 1% donation shall be made on quarterly basis in accordance with the income generation trend of the member through Africa Development Consortium
  3. Dues and Contributions
    3.1 Each Country Office shall remit 30% of their income to the Regional Office for the running of operations of
    Africa Development Consortium at the regional level
    3.2 The Regional Office shall remit 50% of the remittances from the country offices to the Continental Office for
    the running of the operations of Africa development Consortium at the continental level

3.3 Membership benefits
3.4 Members shall have right of first choice to tender and be selected for any contract or project being executed in collaboration with any Government in Africa
3.5 Contracts for consultancy, procurement, supplies or construction shall be awarded to members only unless if, for the time being, there is no member with requisite knowledge, experience or resource to execute such contract. In that case, a member can be given the contract to outsource
3.6 Members shall be entitled to acquire stake in any project being executed in partnership with any Government in Africa
3.7 Where required, Africa Development Consortium shall provide guarantee to members who may require loan or financial facility to acquire stake or execute contracts in any partnership project with any Government in Africa

  1. Prohibition to membership
    No one may be admitted to membership of Africa Development Consortium if the person is:
    4.1 A national of a foreign country or on a temporary visit to Africa and without legal resident status
    4.2 A full time paid employee of a Company or other Organization
    4.3 A member or an affiliate or a member of an affiliate of a terrorist organization
    4.4 Is sympathetic to terrorist causes
    4.5 Does not share or is incapable of sharing in the values and purposes of Africa Development Consortium
  2. Offices
    There shall be following Offices in the leadership and administration of Africa Development Consortium
    5.1 Continental level:
    a Director General
    b Secretary General
    c Treasurer General
    d. Auditor General
    e. General Administrative Secretary

5.2 Regional Level
a. Regional Director
b. Regional Secretary
c. Regional Treasurer
d. Regional Auditor
e. Regional Secretary

  1. 1 Country Level
    a. Country Director
    b. Country Secretary
    c. Country Treasurer
    d. Country Auditor
    e. Country Administrative Secretary
  2. Appointment of Officers

6.1 The Office of the Director General shall be occupied by the most senior Officer of the Organization in the first instance, and subsequently, by the most senior Regional Director, provided the said Regional Director has establish a good track record of achievements and outstanding leadership in the functions of his or her preceding Office
6.2 Secretary General, Treasurer General, Auditor General, the Regional appointed Officers and Country Directors shall be appointed by the Director General and confirmed by the Executive Council
6.3 The Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor for any Country shall be appointed by The Regional Director on the advice of the Country Director

  1. Removal of Officers
    7.1 Appointed Officer may be removed by unanimous decision of the Executive Council if the Council determines that
    a. The Officer is incapacitated to carry out the functions of his Office
    b. The Officer dies
    c. The Officer is guilty of gross misconduct and abuse of Office
    d. The Officer is found to have used false declaration to ascend the Office in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of Africa Development Consortium
    e. The Officer is unable to execute the functions of his Office
  2. Remuneration of Appointed Officers
    8.1 Office holding in Africa Development Consortium shall not carry any fixed amount of remuneration but shall have funded budget for out of pocket expenses
    8.2 Adequate budget provision shall be made for the running of the Continental Office, the Regional Office and the National Office and for the out of pocket expenditure of appointed Officers
    8.3 The Administrative Secretaries at each level of Africa Development Consortium shall prepare quarterly budget for the running of the Offices and for the out of pocket expenditure of the appointed Officers
    8.4 Appointed Officers shall have priority in the award of contract and acquisition of stake in any project being executed by Africa Development Consortium in consideration of their services, provided the appointed Officer possesses the requisite expertise and or is adequately equipped to execute such contract to satisfy set development goals
    8.5 Appointed Officer as used this document refers to any anyone occupying any Office that carries no fixed remuneration
  3. Administrative Structure
    9.1 The Continental Secretariat, the Regional Secretariat and the National Secretariat of Africa Development Consortium shall be administered by General Administrative Secretary, Regional Administrative Secretary and Country Administrative Secretary respectively
    9.2 The post of General Administrative Secretary at any level shall be occupied by full time remunerated career personnel
    9.3 Such career personnel shall be recruited through competitive selection processes to ensure that the best candidates are selected
  4. Executive Council
    There shall be Executive Councils at the Continental, Regional and national levels
    10.1 Membership of Executive Council at the Continental level shall be made up of the Director General as the Chairman, the Secretary General as the Council Secretary, the Treasurer General, the Auditor General, the Regional Directors and the Country Directors.
    10.2 Membership of Executive Council at the Regional level shall be made of the Regional Director as the Chairman, the Secretary as the Council Secretary, the Regional Auditor, the Regional Treasurer and the Country Directors.
    10.3 Membership of the Executive Council at the Country level shall be made up of the Country Director as the Chairman, the Secretary as the Council Secretary, the Auditor and the Treasurer.
    10.4 The Administrative Secretaries shall be in attendance in all Executive Council meetings at the level where they are engaged
  5. Annual Convention
    11.1 Africa Development Consortium shall hold convention at the country level, the Regional level and at the Continental level once a year
  6. All registered members shall be entitled to attend the National, Regional and Continental conventions
  7. The annual conventions shall be preceded by Executive Council Meeting which shall hold not later than one day before the yearly convention
  8. Amendment of Constitutional provision
    This Constitutional provision may be amended by unanimous majority of members in Annual Continental Council Meeting

December 2023