Africa Development Consortium

Roles of African Professionals in driving development in Africa

How African Professionals can propel Africa’s Development?

If Africa is going to harness her enormous potential for development, African professionals at home and in diaspora must understand and locate their roles in the development of Africa. African professionals must see their responsibilities as important stakeholders in the development of Africa. This calls for synergizing of skilled professionals in various sectors, such as technology, energy, entrepreneurship, agric science, healthcare, education, finance, infrastructure and a host of other sectors. It is important to understand that development is not a political program. Although professionals in politics can utilize political framework to drive development as they can from any other framework, it will be a gross error to be looking up to politics to drive development because politics never drove development. It never did in any clime and it will never do in Africa

The Africa Development Consortium initiative

It is for the forgoing reasons that Africa Development Consortium was born as a platform for bringing together African professionals at home and in diaspora to crystallize the simmering yearning for Africa’s development. It is pertinent to know that the cure for unfulfilled dreams of exposed members of Africa is not to seek refuge in places where you are viewed as Unidentified Flying Object, aka alien. The hope of achieving fulfillment lies in synergizing to rescue our fatherland from squalor and harness her enormous potential for rapid economic development

What is in it for you as an Africa professional?

The value of the life you live is measured by the legacy you leave behind. Of course there is no harboring the dream that you will be here forever, nay, that is beyond science and technology. So the impact you make to shape the future of generations is far more important than the life of ease, if any, you enjoy in foreign lands. The honor that will be yours for helping to change the African narrative cannot be measured in terms of fat pay packet in green back. Yet, the Africa Development Consortium model promises monetary reward at the fringes of your pay in golden colors. What is it then? Find your place in this move and go beyond and do the Andrew beat: go tell your professional brother the messiah is here